Wednesday, January 21, 2009

The Pre-PeaceCorps Experience

In my first post I wanted to give everyone who is reading this and specifically those who are applying or want to apply to the PeaceCorps, an idea of how long it takes to be invited. The two things I learned about the process is have patience, but also keep bothering them.

  1. December 1, 2007 - Submitted the Online Application and applied for Business Development in the Asia Region or Central/Eastern Region
    • I had started the application few months before that

  2. December 18, 2007 - Received a call and email from my PeaceCorps MidAtlantic Recruiter who was a former PeaceCorps Volunteer and taught English in Thailand.

  3. February 26, 2008 - Had an interview with my Recruiter at 8am in the Marriott at University of Delaware.
    • Wasn't able to meet with him after the Christmas holiday because of the study abroad in January.

  4. March 3, 2008 - Nominated by my Recruiter for Business Development in the Asia Region and set to leave mid to late January of 2009.

  5. April 9, 2008 - Sent in my Medical Forms.

  6. April 21, 2008 - PeaceCorps notified me that they received all my medical forms.

  7. May 31, 2008 - Received a letter from the PeaceCorps saying that my medical forms were incomplete. I needed a particular booster.

  8. June 6, 2008 - Passed my Medical Evaluation.

  9. August 4, 2008 - Contacted my Placement Officer (PO) because I hadn't heard anything from the PeaceCorps since I had passed my Medical. He responded saying that he or a member of his staff will contact me in 2 - 3 weeks, however if I don't hear anything contact him.

  10. September 3, 2008 - Sent another email to my PO because I hadn't heard anything and a staff member contacted me for an updated University Transcript.

  11. October 16, 2008 - My PO called me and told me that my top two choices, Asia and Eastern/Central Europe were filled up, instead he offered me Guinea in West Africa. He told me I had to decide within 24 hours and if I would accept I would be leaving December 1st.

  12. October 17, 2008 - Decided to turn down Guinea.

  13. October 23, 2008 - The PO called again and offered me a French speaking country in Sub-Sahara Africa where I would be working in Small Enterprise Development. If I chose to accept the placement, I would be leaving the beginning of February. I researched the possible PeaceCorps departures in the beginning of February on and found out that it's Madagascar.

  14. October 24, 2008 - Accepted the Madagascar post in Small Enterprise Development.

  15. October 31, 2008 - Received the PeaceCorps Madagascar Invitation Kit in the mail.

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